Immigration to Australia from India – Globaltree

Australia has become the hottest immigration destination for the immigrants from India seeking better growth options. Since, India is densely populated and saturated with opportunities due to massive competition, so the young and dynamic aspirants wish to migrate for better opportunities across world. Australia in that case is the foremost choice as it provides a correct blend of opportunities and growth options for study and work in a developed country.

Australia though is a huge country but is deficient of skilled workers and so there is huge demand in various industries in the country for professional and skilled employees across the globe, which can suffice them with their skills. India is a huge producer of skilled professionals every year, but lacks opportunities and growth options for them, so Australia is one destination which could them with education, job, and high standards of living.

Australia invites skilled employees through point based immigration system, where the individual has to get minimum of 60-points for applying for Australian visa. The occupation could be chosen from the SOL or CSOL list for the application of the desired visa.Australia Permanent Residency

Pathways to Australia

One can migrate to Australia by selecting the kind of visa required. It provides PR visa, visit visa, study visa, working visa, working holiday visa and business visa to the candidates depending upon their needs and requirements.  The Australian Permanent Residency Visa allows an individual to enjoy the rights and privileges similar to the citizens in the country. One has to choose from the list of categories under PR Visa in Australia. For this, one has to live and work in any particular region in the country for at least 2 years, or should get sponsorship under RSMS (Regional Migration Sponsored Scheme). Apart from this, people visit Australia for various reasons such as sightseeing, holidays, visiting relatives and friends, medical treatment, or business purpose etc. Depending on the reason, an individual has to apply for the visas subclasses.

Australia these days has become the most favoured education destination among overseas students.  Based on the courses, the students are allowed to select the visa subcategory from Visa (570-576, 402 and 580). For getting student visa they must have a COE (Confirmation of Enrolment) with an education provider for required any degree or diploma.

People do opt to work in Australia and for that purpose it offers working visas in the country. A valid working visa is a must if an individual wants to work in Australia either on permanent or temporary basis, which is divided in to two categories:

  • Skilled Migration visa: Designed for skilled workers who fulfil the requirement of Australian labour market. Prime options for skilled migration visa are Skilled Independent Visa (subclass 189), skilled-nominated visa (subclass 190) and skilled- regional  visa (subclass 489)
  • Nominated or sponsored work visa: These are foreign workers, nominated either by a recognised Australian employer, State Authority or and Government Agency. The nominated occupation must be present in the SOL list. Prime options are temporary work visa (subclass 457), employer nomination scheme visa (subclass 186) and RSMS visa (subclass 187).

There are individuals who visit Australia for a short duration for varied purposes but wish to work during their stay, for this purpose the working holiday visa is granted to young people in the age group of 18 to 30 years to let them work in their extended holidays. The extended holidays are supplemented with temporary employment in the country.  The visa holder can stay in Australia for at least 12 months, can study for 4 months, can work for 6 months and can enter and exit Australia any number time. But there is list of clauses which should be taken care of. The working holiday visa is granted to the citizens of USA, Argentina, Chile, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Thailand, and Uruguay. They should also have completed their tertiary qualification or in the 3rd year their course.

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